Five people chatting around a table

The crew

Prenez le large avec celles et ceux qui font Blue Soft au quotidien, nos Talents Bleus. Ils et elles sont à la fois nos matelots et le vent dans nos voiles. Découvrez l’équipage et embarquez, vous aussi, le long du courant bleu.
Gourd with logo blue talents, included in the welcome pack

900 900 employees in 2024

9 9 locations in France, Switzerland and Belgium

13 13 Business Units

Chronicles of blue talents, our crew testifies

What I‍'‍appreciate enormously too, c‍'‍est l‍entraide permanente. When we have a problem or the customer has a problem, we know that‍'‍on can s‍appeal on lots of people to try to d‍'‍ discuss it, to try to find solutions.
Christophe RavionService delivery manager at Blue Soft Empower
Tote-bag blue talents, included in the welcome pack

+ 300 + 300 customers

163 163 Recruitment in 2022

+ 100 + 100 Millions d‍'‍euros of sales in 2023

Blue Soft was able over the years to offer me good opportunities, I‍'‍ai was able to evolve in one direction, then at one point I told them I'd like to change direction, they went "ok vas‍-‍y". That s‍'‍ went well so there you go, the feeling is really very good at Blue Soft.
Nicolas TulliFull stack developer

Testimonials from our crew blue talents

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