A woman explaining a project to a group of people

Our CSR commitments

Since 2016, Blue Soft has been doing its bit to offset its carbon footprint. We are convinced that there are no "small gestures". Our commitment springs from concrete actions, while participating in the Group's CSR strategy. Corporate responsibility is an integral part of the way we do business. The company adopts a positive economic model for its employees, its stakeholders and its territory.

Concrete, team-driven actions

Determined to involve our employees in this social issue, we have chosen to co-construct our CSR policy through working groups, with representatives from our teams, different positions and different subsidiaries.

We're building tomorrow's actions to address environmental, social and economic issues. Change can only happen collectively. The management of the Blue Soft group wishes to extend its commitments to all current and future entities that make up the group.

Our CSR policy enables us to share our convictions, observations and commitments, and to open up to others, both internally and externally. It is applied in a concrete and efficient way to give meaning to each employee's job.

Une entreprise où les talents se sentent comme des poissons dans le courant bleu !


Waste sorting and reduction

With sorting actions already underway, the dematerialization of administrative documents well underway and a policy that does not encourage paper printing in our branches, our working groups have decided to raise the bar for 2022-2024 with the following objectives:
- Systematic selective sorting in our branches
- Widespread use of cups instead of single-use cups
- Recycling IT equipment

Carbon offsetting

Already in the process of offsetting emissions from our Charenton head office since 2016, our teams have integrated into our charter the need to extend this offsetting to emissions from all our branches. By 2023, it's a done deal.

Reducing CO2 emissions

Because offsetting our emissions is not enough, in addition to certain measures already in place (telecommuting, limiting business vehicle emissions to 150g of CO2/km...), our blue talents wanted to go further in reducing our emissions with :
- displaying office temperature rules (between 19 and 20 degrees in winter and between 25 and 26 degrees in summer)
- Using green energy suppliers or offers

Raising team awareness

With the aim of reducing our emissions, and because digital technology is a major energy consumer, we have provided our employees with a guide to best e-management practices and awareness-raising workshops.

Raising customer awareness

To take our charter a step further, our teams have included work in collaboration with our customers. In 2023, for example, we took part in a waste collection organized by the Maison Familiale du Rhône in the Lyon region. In addition, our teams are working on dedicated offers for our customers, including: monitoring their electricity consumption in datacenters, optimizing their consumption with migrations to the public cloud, and eco-design of the digital solutions we offer.


Recruiting and nurturing talent

We are already committed to offering our blue talents employees fair recruitment processes, compliance with legal and collective bargaining obligations, and careful integration. In 2022, we have decided to add to our CSR charter a section on dialogue between our entities, support for professional retraining and the use of work-study programs with a school relations strategy. This strategy is now in place, and is reflected in some twenty formal partnerships, including 3 with schools specializing in professional retraining.

Well‍-‍being at work

With the conviction that well-being in the workplace is the key to retaining our employees, our CSR Charter 2022-2024 incorporates numerous elements on the subject:
- The creation of a week dedicated to the subject (2 editions already organized)
- Raising our teams' awareness of their own health: providing guides to gestures and postures, organizing "Octobre Rose" and "Movember" events to raise awareness of male and female cancers and their screening.
- Monthly well-being workshops via videoconferencing
- The formalization of the right to disconnect: now integrated into employment contracts and promoted during one of our monthly workshops.

Gender diversity in our businesses

Our CSR charter mentions improving our gender equality index, and this is a key issue for our management and HR teams. However, this legal indicator is not the only area in which we are working to improve gender diversity in our businesses. These include our dedicated partnerships with LDigital and Ada Tech School, as well as our participation in job datings dedicated to retraining women in the tech professions.

Integration of people with disabilities

Since 2021 in parallel with our CSR charter, we have been taking concrete action to promote the integration of our talents with disabilities, including:
- conducting a survey on the perception of disability within the Group
- The organization of dedicated awareness-raising sessions on RQTH and family caregiver status
- Hosting our first CSR and disability theme week in 2022
- Setting up specific training courses for HR teams and managers, focusing on 3 areas: recruiting, managing and supporting disabled employees.



In order to implement the most responsible purchasing strategy possible, in 2023 we undertook to list and reference the state of our suppliers' eco-responsible approaches. More than 400 suppliers have been listed in a single document and classified, so that in 2024 we can build an action plan aimed at developing these service providers and/or replacing them with others more in line with our commitments. Defined as priorities by our employees in our charter: the use of disabled people and the shortest possible supply chain.


Our teams wanted to include a section dedicated to our customers in our CSR charter. We are therefore committed to :
- Respect specifications, needs and deadlines
- Offer as many security policies as possible as a complement to our offerings, particularly our support and TMA services.
- Refrain from working with contacts who do not respect the Group's values.


With a view to maintaining transparency on the Group's investments (a commitment made in our CSR charter), slides presenting the different types of investments that finance the Group have been made available both internally and to our customers.

We have the possibility of d‍'‍agir at our level so we owe it to ourselves to d‍'‍agir, c‍'‍is indispensable! To help improve what we can improve in our circle of d‍'‍intervention and in our possibilities.
Thierry BoccaraCo‍-‍ Group Chairman Blue Soft

Inclusion, diversity and diversity

Seven people meeting around a table

Comme le dit notre manifesto « nous croyons en la force du courant bleu et en sa capacité à entrainer tous les talents, tout en respectant les différences ». Plus qu’un état d’esprit, ce positionnement est pour nous la base de plans d’action concrets. Nous soutenons notamment l’inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap et la mixité dans nos métiers.

Discover our d‍'‍inclusion practices
Woman dressed as a clown at an improv show

Supporting initiatives with Project Indigo

In 2021, the Blue Soft group launched its program to support associations, Project Indigo. After three years, the Blue Soft ship has supported more than 40 associations. In the fields of health, sport or the environment, we support initiatives led by our employees through financial donations, communication actions or skills sponsorship.

Discover Project Indigo

Find out more about recruitment and l‍'‍integration?

Discover our talent path
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