A man in a wheelchair working on his computer with three other people.

Inclusion, diversity and diversity

As our manifesto puts it, "we believe in the power of blue flow and its ability to inspire all talents, while respecting differences". More than a state of mind, for us this positioning is the basis for concrete, sustained action plans.

Inclusion of people with disabilities

This figure represents the percentage of Blue Soft teams who feel comfortable talking about disability within the company - RH Inclusive


Since 2021, the Blue Soft group has been committed to the inclusion of people with disabilities through a dedicated plan with:

- Starting in 2021, the use of specialized job boards
- In 2022, we will carry out a survey on the perception of disability within our organization, in order to identify priority areas for action.
- The subsequent organization of training sessions for our managers and recruitment teams on 3 themes: recruiting, welcoming and supporting the disabled.
- The creation of a CSR and Disability theme week, organized in November to coincide with the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, which brought together over 100 of our employees for awareness-raising sessions.
- In 2023, we updated our job offers to include a statement to the effect that all our positions are accessible to people with disabilities.
- Since 2024, the use of jobdatings to promote all talents.

We're given the keys to tackling disability in a straightforward way, and above all to ask the right questions: how can we adapt your job? How can we help you in your situation?
Marlène TeixeiraRecruitment Manager Digital Factory

Activating progress

Activateur de progrès is a community of companies convinced that people with disabilities play an important role in boosting the performance of companies and society as a whole.

As part of its CSR policy, Blue Soft is part of this community. For us, it's a question of militating for the relationship between employment and disability, and promoting this idea on a daily basis through small and large acts.


This charter :

- Defends the conviction that disability is a factor for progress in employment and for society as a whole

- Demonstrates our commitment to concrete actions to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities

It commits us to :

- Taking action to continue and further actions to promote the inclusion of disabled people in employment

- Demonstrate our commitment internally to our employees and externally to our customers, subcontractors and the general public.

Gender diversity in our businesses

Figure 87 - 87 the gender equality index Blue Soft - RH Inclusive


Committed by our employees to improving our gender equality index as part of our CSR charter, but aware that we were lagging behind on the subject of gender diversity in tech professions, we wanted to go further. With this in mind, we signed two key partnership agreements in 2022:

- The first is with the LDigital foundation, which supports and raises awareness among women of careers and opportunities in the digital sector. This agreement commits us to presenting portraits of inspiring women from our teams and helping to raise awareness of the foundation among women undergoing retraining.

- The second is with Ada Tech School, the first inclusive IT school with 70% female students. This agreement commits us to coaching male and female students in preparing for their job interviews, and participating in the training of male and female learners.

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