
Production Engineer‍-‍e

CDI Paris - 1st district


We believe in the power of the current and its ability to drive everyone, while respecting differences. That's how the Blue Soft group was built.

À l’image d’un courant bleu, harmonieux et fédérateur, il a uni des entités aux profils multiples, et a fusionné leurs forces pour gagner en intensité. Le groupe Blue Soft unit les Talents Bleus dans le grand océan de l’industrialisation de l’économie numérique. Composé d’entreprises de services du numérique, il accompagne les organisations dans la mise en oeuvre de leurs transformations. Il intervient auprès des écosystèmes, locaux comme nationaux, pour les aider à déployer tout le potentiel de leurs projets IT et business. Ses entités sillonnent différentes mers : le consulting, le cloud, les infrastructures, le développement agile, l’UX et l’UI, l’ingénierie et les solutions Microsoft.

Le courant bleu symbolise notre volonté assumée de construire une entreprise ambitieuse et collective avec nos collaborateurs et collaboratrices. Nos talents bleus s’unissent pour naviguer ensemble et vivre une expérience à la fois individuelle et commune, où l’engagement, l’excellence et la cohésion sont au centre.

Pour que nous puissions nous accomplir professionnellement et personnellement, le courant bleu se fait mouvant, s’adapte, dessine de multiples chemins qui vont tous dans la même direction, et embarque tout l’équipage sur le même bateau.

Rejoindre le groupe Blue Soft, c’est être le courant bleu.

Talents Bleus, soyez le courant bleu.


The Application Support team is in charge of supporting the Murex application for the Front Office for currency derivatives and Summit Front, and the Middle Office for interest-rate derivatives (OTC, MM, Foreign Exchange, Treasury and FXswap) and credit derivatives.

The team's main functions :

- Provide technical and functional support for application services
- Operate and industrialize the Summit application
- Support business and IT teams in their projects
- Propose continuous improvements in operability and ensure compliance with current standards

Application Support is also in charge of deploying technical and functional evolutions on production and qualification environments, as well as carrying out impact & functional non-regression tests.

- Maintain Murex and Summit Front applications in operational condition
- Develop a functional vision of the Information System and have a global view of the application I.S.
- Advanced analysis and diagnosis of technical and functional incidents, including during non-working hours.
- The mission is subject to staggered working hours and participation in the on-call system
- Active participation in projects in collaboration with the various players involved: Development, Infrastructure, Business Line
- Active participation in business projects, working in Agile mode (Feature Team) with developers and project managers.
- Carry out non-regression qualification tests as part of ongoing software patch testing and major upgrades (meta-models, purges, service packs).
- Industrialize delivery resources by adopting a DevOps approach (CI/CD, Release Management).
- Implement technical and functional supervision
- Drafting instructions
- Documenting application components and operations: software architecture, technical architecture, operating procedures, IT recovery plan, etc.
- Application industrialization, standardization and security. Development of operating procedures
- Participate in daily reporting

Your skills

o Summit = C++
o Murex = Java
o Application servers = Linux
o Scheduler = Control M
o Devops = XL Deploy

As part of its diversity policy, Blue Soft considers all equally qualified applicants, including those with disabilities.

You know someone who works at Blue Soft We have a co-optation program, so make sure he/she co-opts you before applying!

We look forward to receiving your application!

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